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2024 Club Survey


In the spirit of improving our corvette club please complete this survey.

1. How many monthly meetings do you attend per year?
2. If you are not attending the club’s monthly meeting, please provide your reasons for not attending
3. If you are attending the club’s monthly meeting but not having diner, please provide your reason for not having the meal.

This section is asking questions as to how the club is in it’s current form.

4. Is the Corvette Club meeting your expectations for a car club?
5. Rate the club on how well the club is being run from 1 to 10.
6. How do you feel about the size of the club?
A) Too big
B) Too small
C) Just right

The current method of gaining members is only by word of

mouth and internet.

7. Do you feel that we need to improve or change the method of recruiting new members.
A) Yes
B) No
7b. There is information that is needed to create a roster. What is the reason for NOT filling out your club profile on the website?


Planning events is an ongoing task and requires a certain amount

of commitment. It also requires attention to detail, such as

confirming dates with vendors and location owners, but not just

that, there are many other details that make or break an event as


This section is asking about events

8. What kind of events would you like the club to do?
9. Would you be willing to plan an event? Or be an assistant to the event coordinator, or even take responsibility for an annual event?

Corvettes of Sandhills Car Show Questions

This section is focused on just our club car show. As you know

we had quite a discussion forum at our 2024 Car Show meeting

on different details that need to take place in running a car show.

These are mostly yes or no questions with a couple of multiple

choice questions.

10. Is the current location of our car show a good location (Sandhills Community College)
11. Should the club establish a fixed weekend (Saturday or Sunday) that falls in a certain month of the year? Example : Such as setting the 3rd Saturday of April as our car show date for every year?
A) Yes
B) No
12. Should the club be flexible on the dates available as not to interfere with other car show dates?
A) Yes
B) No

Collecting door prizes has been dismal to say the least for

our show. Having volunteers for collecting door prizes has

been a challenge since the beginning.

13. What is the biggest obstacle in collecting door prizes?

Add your text

14. Should club member’s cars be judged at our own show?
A) Yes
B) No
15. How do you think the cars should be judged at our show?
A) People’s choice only. All cars eligible to be voted on. Club cars parked with participant cars by generation.
B) Judged by an outside crew: for exterior, interior & engine bay only. Best of show in each category. Generations of corvettes will not be a factor in this method.
C) Judged by Generations (C1 thru C8) top car in each class only and participation trophies for the top 20 vote tallies.
D) Club cars parked separately and judged by participants in the show, and the participants show cars parked by Generations , and judged by outside judges. (Club members judge participants cars and participants judge club cars).
16. If we had a fully judged show would you volunteer as a judge?
A) Yes
B) No
17. If you answered yes to the previous question, do you feel qualified to judge cars in a class you are familiar with?
A) Yes
B) No
18. Do you think the number of trophies awarded at our show is sufficient?
A) More: Create new classes of awards, such as best paint, interior or wheels.
B) Less: Just trophies awarded for 1st and 2nd places per class, or less.
C) About right: Keep current awards the same or close to the same.
D) Change to a different way: A Best of Show in each class and 20 other awards based on the number of votes per car.
E) Other
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